I understand that I am requesting, and at my own risk, participating in a BDSM session. I understand that activities within the session will be conducted by mutual consent. I accept sole responsibility to: 

  • Decide what activities I wish to participate in during the session and decide what my boundaries are.
  • Communicate these decisions clearly before the start of the session, as well as any changes to these decisions during the session. 
  • Agree to an appropriate safe word or other signal to request an activity change or stop. 
  • Signal immediately any unexpected fatigue, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, nausea, pain, or discomfort.

I understand I can discontinue participation at any time during the session, without prejudice against me, beyond fees or tribute for the session.


I understand that any and all activities undertaken during the session are voluntary and are at my own risk. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless all participants in the session from all claims of liability, injury, death, property loss or damage, attorney’s fees and costs, and I agree to reimburse them for any such claims they may have.

  • I verify that I am a consenting adult over the age of 18.
  • I understand that Mistress Ashadar will require additional identity verification. 
  • I understand that domination does not involve sex or any unlawful act. I will not ask for illegal solicitations.
  • I have studied Mistress Ashadar’s entire website, especially the Protocol and Etiquette page, and will not ask any questions already answered there.
  • I understand that Virtual Sessions begin at 1 hour, and In Person Sessions (other than the introductory first time client session), begin at 2 hours. I will not ask for shorter sessions or haggle for payment discounts.
  • I understand that I am not guaranteed any specific requests or session interests, but that my attitude and comportment will influence all interactions. I will submit to all of Mistress Ashadar’s decisions.
  • I understand that all first-time bookings require a non-refundable 50% deposit at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be paid prior to or at the start of the session.
  • I have read and agree to the Deposit Policy and the Rescheduling and Cancellation Policy. I understand that all deposits, fees, gifts and tributes are non-refundable. 


Pre Session Deposit:
A Pre-Session screening is required for all first time clients. A non-refundable Pre-Session fee ($50) is required at the moment of submitting your Apply to Play form. 

In Person Session Deposit:
A non-refundable 50% deposit is required to book. The remainder 50% is due immediately at the start of the session. 

Online Session Deposit:
A non-refundable 50% deposit is required to book. The remainder 50% is due before the session begins, as to not waste session time. 

Last Minute Booking Fee: 
Session requests made within 48 hours are considered last minute bookings, and may be available with an additional $250 last minute booking fee. The entire session cost, including pre-session cost ($50) and last minute booking fee ($250) must be paid in entirety upon booking. 

Non-Refundable Policy:
All deposits, fees, gifts and tributes are non-refundable. 


All sessions must be rescheduled at least 48 hours in advance to transfer your deposit to a new date. Rescheduled sessions may only be rescheduled only once, and must be within 30 days of your original session date. Failure to reschedule within 48 hours will be considered a cancellation, and I expect to be compensated for our scheduled time in full.
If I am touring and the new suggested date of appointment is after I have left the city, it will be considered a cancellation. 

If you need to cancel, please contact Me as soon as possible. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hour’s notice, your deposit will be forfeited, and I expect to be compensated for our scheduled time in full. 
If there are continuous lapses in communication, reschedules, cancellations, or no shows, I reserve the right to require the entire session cost paid in full at the time of booking. 

If you are late for your session, I may allow up to a 15-minute grace period at My discretion. Beyond 15 minutes, you will be considered a no-show and your tribute will be forfeit. If you are late, I expect to be compensated not only for our scheduled time in full, but any additional time added. 

**By submitting this session application, I acknowledge I have read, understood, and agree to the contents of this form, and I confirm that all information given to me is correct to the best of my knowledge.** 

wicked surrender 2024 | all rights reserved | Deposit and Scheduling Policy | sessions conditions